Laura Lea: Seagull #1
Laura Lea: Seagull #2 again
Laura Lea: husband's find
Laura Lea: husband's find along the hwy. & his humor
Laura Lea: favorite street sign up north
Laura Lea: inspired by seaweed
Laura Lea: foggy sunset three
Laura Lea: foggy sunset two
Laura Lea: cove's foggy sunset
Laura Lea: isn't this cool, I'm really finding this fascinating, I've got my little cup and hope it will make it home
Laura Lea: very blue and I hope to capture this in paint
Laura Lea: husband found this for me, I blue insides and used mirror to capture it
Laura Lea: view from the patio railing, the deck had chairs and Ihad to literally sit on two pillows to see over it! hah!
Laura Lea: view from deck
Laura Lea: toasting from the deck
Laura Lea: Branscomb Road wheelbarrow flower garden, just lovely!
Laura Lea: This person lined the drive way and Branscomb Road with wheelbarrows full of glorious flowers, they had over 13 of them!
Laura Lea: close up of heart shaped hole in rock wall at Spirit Candles
Laura Lea: heart shaped hole in rock wall
Laura Lea: oak tree along road to Pratt Mountain
Laura Lea: Oak tree Pratt Mountain
Laura Lea: it is a ranch afterall Fort Seward
Laura Lea: Tah Dah, climbed my size rock
Laura Lea: you can see for miles and miles Seward Fort Ranch
Laura Lea: isn't it lovely Seward Fort ranch
Laura Lea: I climbed this gently sloping rock, not the ten footer my husband first suggested!
Laura Lea: scrumptious view
Laura Lea: Seward Fort Ranch on rock
Laura Lea: Seward Fort Ranch
Laura Lea: windy fog rolling in above Scotia