Laura Lea: planning stages for Nature
Laura Lea: WIP Bodega Bay
Laura Lea: Earth tag with Earth Air side
Laura Lea: Water and Fire side with Airt, Water and Fire tags
Laura Lea: My machine is back!
Laura Lea: Acey's fold open #2
Laura Lea: Cramzy's page Sonoma Hills
Laura Lea: Eye of The Soul back pocket
Laura Lea: Eye of the Soul Pocket Mirror
Laura Lea: pages I've received clockwise from top left Sequin Girl's, Bente's, Cramzy's & Skybellarts
Laura Lea: auditioning on couch- fabrics of course!
Laura Lea: on kitchen floor, don't look it has doggy and kitty hair and footprints from the garden as well as food dribbles I'm sure
Laura Lea: The fabrics for backing
Laura Lea: Granddaughter's floor quilt needs a backing
Laura Lea: four backings to choose from
Laura Lea: wonky country house/barn
Laura Lea: wonky corny house
Laura Lea: ugly duckling changing pad
Laura Lea: ugly duckling, little chick changing pad
Laura Lea: after refolding and stacking, all fabric is removed from the floor
Laura Lea: a rainbow in a box from my cousin Thank You Cuz
Laura Lea: wonky kitty boutique
Laura Lea: wonky cat bookstore
Laura Lea: wonky log cabin
Laura Lea: WIP free piecing and fusing, using leftover scraps
Laura Lea: WIP saved fused fabrics, granddaughter gift leftovers, missing the children, all made a day of play
Laura Lea: WIP like making paper dolls
Laura Lea: WIP fused applique added
Laura Lea: added boys after my husband's suggestion
Laura Lea: added three boys today