Laura Lea: Husband and I picking grapes at a local winery- just for fun, this is truly hard, back breaking work. I got to stomp the grapes that we cut! I've always wanted to do this ever since I was a little girl and saw Lucille Ball doing it on TV.
Laura Lea: getting into the picking
Laura Lea: my feet in grapes I finally did it I've wanted to since I was a little girl-NOTE I have a safe site and only accept favorites from people who have safe sites, so this photo is not for use on your site if you have a foot fetish!!!
Laura Lea: pure color
Laura Lea: Autumn colors on grape leaves
Laura Lea: fall in the vineyard
Laura Lea: vineyard beauty
Laura Lea: sunlight in the vineyards
Laura Lea: bounty of the harvest
Laura Lea: Vineyard
Laura Lea: old vine
Laura Lea: vineyard under the influence of good wine
Laura Lea: untouched beauty could not get over the colors and textures in the vineyard
Laura Lea: unpicked
Laura Lea: natural beauty of colors in the fall here
Laura Lea: sky in Autumn is so blue and the grape leaves have their golden and red hue
Laura Lea: vineyard walk
Laura Lea: They taste so sweet
Laura Lea: untouched beauty
Laura Lea: some have raisins
Laura Lea: the leaves were on fire with red and yellow
Laura Lea: graceful arching vines
Laura Lea: so many bunches
Laura Lea: fat and juicy grapes ready for picking
Laura Lea: fall colors overwhelmed me with their beauty
Laura Lea: hard to capture nature's beauty of harvest
Laura Lea: two gorgeous grapeleaves
Laura Lea: back breaking work to get these down low
Laura Lea: I love old sheds, always have and this one is no exception
Laura Lea: walking through the vineyard