Laura Lea: saved stash to play with
Laura Lea: Hot magenta Rose
Laura Lea: Art Center Mendocino, bench blue and brown overlooking garden
Laura Lea: Arcata garden seen on walk
Laura Lea: Aracta walk saw this garden fence
Laura Lea: Arcata sea serpent or dragon fence
Laura Lea: weathy beyond measure the dragon sips coffee and explores her horde
Laura Lea: beach stash sorting on table over cuppa java
Laura Lea: grandpuppy didn't eat this one!
Laura Lea: snowy shadows through the trees
Laura Lea: snow laden needles
Laura Lea: snowy needles
Laura Lea: snow top of tree
Laura Lea: snowy view
Laura Lea: cross
Laura Lea: cross too
Laura Lea: cross diagonal
Laura Lea: friends in the field
Laura Lea: pink daylilies
Laura Lea: yellow and gray
Laura Lea: yellow and gray gable windows
Laura Lea: sidewalk garden just down from the gate
Laura Lea: garden gate flowers
Laura Lea: blue flowers at gate were new to me
Laura Lea: gardener's colors were wonderful
Laura Lea: front gate to a lovely garden
Laura Lea: Always wanted a room like this one...
Laura Lea: lovely house
Laura Lea: alley fence
Laura Lea: door to garden