Laura Lea: saved stash to play with
Laura Lea: seeing green lucky me button find
Laura Lea: weathy beyond measure the dragon sips coffee and explores her horde
Laura Lea: sorting the beachcombing bag full my kinda morning
Laura Lea: beach stash sorting on table over cuppa java
Laura Lea: 3 sand dollars and rocks!
Laura Lea: beachcombing stash
Laura Lea: beachcombing stash with My first ever found heart rocks
Laura Lea: beachglass brown with one brick
Laura Lea: Beachglass and pottery shards top to btm. Green, Aqua, pottery shards
Laura Lea: beachglass stash white on blue towel
Laura Lea: beachcombing stash- white rocks
Laura Lea: rocks polished collection other view in jade ashtray
Laura Lea: white and orange beach finds
Laura Lea: rescued
Laura Lea: beachcombing delight
Laura Lea: Next morning my heart still pitter patters over my finds
Laura Lea: treasure trove full filtered sun from window
Laura Lea: beachcomber's love
Laura Lea: treasure trove
Laura Lea: beach combing
Laura Lea: This color was in abundance this time around!
Laura Lea: beachglass to sort through
Laura Lea: beachglass shades of green
Laura Lea: pottery shard sorting
Laura Lea: pottery shard pile to sort through
Laura Lea: broken pieces of polished shell
Laura Lea: pottery shards
Laura Lea: seaglass sorting
Laura Lea: sea glass stacks to sort through