Laura Lea: Take it Further Jan. Challenge
Laura Lea: Jan Challenge WIP laid out possible composition
Laura Lea: Finished Jan Challenge- CHANGE
Laura Lea: Feb. Take it Further Challenge color materials idea
Laura Lea: Feb. TIF challenge starting stitching today, just pinned and ready
Laura Lea: Feb. Take it Further Challenge WIP weaving attempt
Laura Lea: Feb. TIF Challenge WIP pinned for some prickly tacking and stitching
Laura Lea: TIF March palette
Laura Lea: gel medium mixed with paints March pallette
Laura Lea: Feb. TIP WIP slow stitching
Laura Lea: Feb. TIF WIP slow stitching
Laura Lea: Planned arrangement of Take if Further March challenge WIP
Laura Lea: pieced Take if Further Challenge March WIP
Laura Lea: Stories that are, stories that are possible-three sisters WIP- now for some paint!
Laura Lea: second canvas, notice how wide it got
Laura Lea: side by side first and second
Laura Lea: July TIF WIP
Laura Lea: TIF April Challenge Change Cycles WIP