ewalstad: Stop to enjoy the view and look what happens
ewalstad: The shredder of Gnar
ewalstad: The paved bit in Washington
ewalstad: Dropping into Washington
ewalstad: Dappled
ewalstad: Traffic on Snow Tent
ewalstad: "Fixing" Alpha Road
ewalstad: Remember to look up!
ewalstad: Delirious climbing
ewalstad: Rain at the top of Alpha Road
ewalstad: 20170609_130224
ewalstad: Into the woods
ewalstad: Where's Jon?
ewalstad: Pioneer Trail
ewalstad: Single track goodness
ewalstad: Refuel
ewalstad: The windy's out of Nevada City
ewalstad: There was a little bit of pavement
ewalstad: Niner and lefty
ewalstad: Low point high point
ewalstad: Pausing to enjoy the view
ewalstad: The bridge at Edwards Crossing
ewalstad: Low point
ewalstad: Oh, hey, more climbing
ewalstad: Climbing Alpha Road
ewalstad: Pickup sticks
ewalstad: Jon at the top of the climb
ewalstad: Angela shredding on her new MTB
ewalstad: Proper post-ride nutrition