ewalstad: Full moon on the way to the start
ewalstad: Full moon reflecting on the Golden Gate
ewalstad: Golden Gate Bridge
ewalstad: Fog at Nicasio Reservoir
ewalstad: OMG, Cows!
ewalstad: Long road ahead
ewalstad: Morning fog in the valley
ewalstad: Fog pouring over the knoll
ewalstad: Walk this way
ewalstad: Joy Road
ewalstad: KM photo of EL reaching the top of Joy Road on his Fixie
ewalstad: Fixie Victory!
ewalstad: Highway 116 at Korbel Winery
ewalstad: Dat Bridge!
ewalstad: Horses have it pretty good
ewalstad: Almost to Cloverdale
ewalstad: Denny's in Petaluma at 01:30
ewalstad: Roadrunner