Vrakpundare: DSC_2905_1280
Vrakpundare: DSC_7260_1280
diHib: Super Blood Moon Eclipse
Vesna Pukich: 39/52 red dreams
mrsyclone: Fog sweden
foxfoto_archives: SONY Cyber-Shot RX100 & Other cameras comparison 2/6
henrikinch2009: My Canon EOS SLR collection (analog and digital)
Ulf Bodin: Perspective 2
choreographics: Welcome to 2011 — January.
choreographics: How much would you pay for an unlocked iPhone? [v1.1]
NASA Goddard Photo and Video: Most Amazing High Definition Image of Earth - Blue Marble 2012
amatecha: Starry Night screensaver
WisconsinKow: Into the Minneapolis Night (bw)
epidemiks: Nap time
epidemiks: Plov 13BT, Sangkat Boeung Tompun
TomFalconer: Exploding bubble
Dan Cronin^: Cherry
Trey Ratcliff: Long Road in Montana
aaross: Liberty Village