F.emme: Grapes + Bougainvillea
F.emme: On the Arbor
F.emme: Ripening
F.emme: Pomegranate Leaves
F.emme: Figs too Soon
F.emme: Figs are Budding
F.emme: New Reflects on Old
F.emme: Grapes and Roses, II
F.emme: Grapes and Roses, I
F.emme: Blackbird, blackbird, sitting in a tree...
F.emme: More Mulberries, please!
F.emme: Peach Blossoms
F.emme: Slice them lemons
F.emme: Peach Blossoms
F.emme: Unfurling
F.emme: Figs Springing Free
F.emme: Macadamia Flowers