bob2cleo: young black falcon
bob2cleo: another bird
bob2cleo: we bought this catfish from the local fisherman
bob2cleo: Amazon version of food trucks
bob2cleo: not on the regular tours - shanty town along Iquitos river banks
bob2cleo: plantains headed to market
bob2cleo: first rainbow
bob2cleo: catching up with our river boat
bob2cleo: Pops meditating before the safety drill
bob2cleo: learning about the indiginous fruits of the Amazon
bob2cleo: sculptural trees
bob2cleo: cool trees
bob2cleo: root structure
bob2cleo: outdoor common area on our boat
bob2cleo: first bird spotted
bob2cleo: iguana in the trees
bob2cleo: cows on the move down the river
bob2cleo: 3 toed sloth in the wild - Copy
bob2cleo: iguana
bob2cleo: fleeing egrets
bob2cleo: sweet black bird
bob2cleo: hawk on the wing
bob2cleo: love this guy
bob2cleo: hangin' out
bob2cleo: feeling small in the vast Amazon
bob2cleo: local transportation
bob2cleo: geese giving us the what for on our way to the rum factory
bob2cleo: turning sugar cane into rum
bob2cleo: fermenting... yuck stage
bob2cleo: distilling...