bob2cleo: balancing act
bob2cleo: I'm da boss, ball!
bob2cleo: birthday cake fun
bob2cleo: birthday boy
bob2cleo: ice cake filled with love and favorite treats
bob2cleo: with love, from his keepers
bob2cleo: napping in the cubhouse
bob2cleo: Yang and his buds celebrate his birthday
bob2cleo: Po outside.. sort of...
bob2cleo: X-man enjoys the sunshine and fresh air
bob2cleo: sun on fluffy cheeks.. too cute
bob2cleo: what did you get, Yang?
bob2cleo: fanks Auntie Mary for that ball.. Yang had a blast with it
bob2cleo: who's been playing wif my ping pearls
bob2cleo: Yang and his birthday goodies
bob2cleo: love my cake
bob2cleo: wheeeee
bob2cleo: Cake for Yang!
bob2cleo: Yang and his beach ball