bob2cleo: Ushuaia from the small boat
bob2cleo: view down to the Beagle Channel
bob2cleo: Around Ushuaia
bob2cleo: Hotel Ushuaia our first stop
bob2cleo: cute hotel cabins to rent
bob2cleo: Puerto Ushuaia
bob2cleo: glaciers in Usuaia
bob2cleo: comorants playing in the water
bob2cleo: landing comorant
bob2cleo: comorant rookery in the Beagle Channel
bob2cleo: hewwoo widdle comorant
bob2cleo: sea lions in Beagle Channel off Ushuaia
bob2cleo: Chile on the other side of the Beagle Channel
bob2cleo: female goose
bob2cleo: the happy couple
bob2cleo: our sweet guide Juan Pablo
bob2cleo: can't resist a Captain
bob2cleo: Pops and his fist penguin
bob2cleo: window display
bob2cleo: Ushuaia city bus
bob2cleo: first sea bird