bob2cleo: anticipating the new year
bob2cleo: Keeper said I'm next
bob2cleo: raspberries so early X-man!?
bob2cleo: Yang
bob2cleo: you sure dis is good, Momma?
bob2cleo: baby Henry
bob2cleo: Yang hears his keeper and tries to squeeze through the
bob2cleo: naptime for Daddy
bob2cleo: Wee Lan safe, sound and round! He weighed 5.6 lbs the day before.
bob2cleo: I smell a new year comin'
bob2cleo: First Prince - I told him good morning and his widdle earz perked up! love that boy.
bob2cleo: Mornings with X-man.. da best!
bob2cleo: It's fwiday, Auntie b2c.. what you doin' hewe!?
bob2cleo: big boy teef