bob2cleo: you KNOW you wanna kiss da screen now...
bob2cleo: 2010 breeding season...Lun's hormone chart
bob2cleo: who's dere
bob2cleo: I'm ready for ya, Luni!
bob2cleo: Lookin' for the girls...
bob2cleo: hewwooooo Everbuddy!
bob2cleo: Onyx
bob2cleo: I'm a big boy now
bob2cleo: from widdle boy to little bear
bob2cleo: posing nicely
bob2cleo: MY big boy space
bob2cleo: new mom Robin, the golden lion tamarin
bob2cleo: Yang's gotta eat
bob2cleo: x-man loves to be outside
bob2cleo: they grow up so fast...
bob2cleo: Theo, Robin and the new twins
bob2cleo: anyone spot a Lun-Yang kid!?
bob2cleo: I'm a big boy now
bob2cleo: I hab an announcement fing...
bob2cleo: leaves are soooo good
bob2cleo: patrolling the exhibit
bob2cleo: stepping up
bob2cleo: sweetheart bear
bob2cleo: runnin' round
bob2cleo: on the move
bob2cleo: peek-a-boo