bob2cleo: me and my ball are safe under da hammock
bob2cleo: sunshine on my shoulders
bob2cleo: hangin' out
bob2cleo: *muah*
bob2cleo: trapeze artist in training
bob2cleo: happy face
bob2cleo: bouncy bouncy
bob2cleo: silly boy
bob2cleo: model X-man
bob2cleo: Oh happy day! oh, happy da-ay!
bob2cleo: do a little dance...
bob2cleo: we had breakfast with Yang...he had the big boo
bob2cleo: bootiful Mommy
bob2cleo: wheeeee!
bob2cleo: slurp... aahhhh....
bob2cleo: yummy in my tummy
bob2cleo: X marks the X-man's favorite spot
bob2cleo: Our Lani
bob2cleo: somebear's really happy to see her visiting aunties
bob2cleo: what a silly cutie
bob2cleo: yes, our precious boy is sleeping like that
bob2cleo: into the sunroof
bob2cleo: Dis seat is taken, Mommy Monster!
bob2cleo: da mommy bwoke my car
bob2cleo: lovin' the hammock stwap
bob2cleo: Shandy
bob2cleo: stretch
bob2cleo: my buddy tree
bob2cleo: awwww....
bob2cleo: Xi Lan