bob2cleo: dat you b2c ? long time no see...
bob2cleo: Our amazing Tai Shan
bob2cleo: tired daddy
bob2cleo: You know *My Dawn*!?
bob2cleo: dose new pandarazzis are bwinding me
bob2cleo: hewwooo darling boy
bob2cleo: Mandara's baby girl
bob2cleo: sweetheart gorilla baby
bob2cleo: Tate
bob2cleo: Wicket
bob2cleo: Wicket and his Grapes
bob2cleo: Shama
bob2cleo: hiding out for a nap
bob2cleo: baby elephant shrew
bob2cleo: fwootie heaven
bob2cleo: Even Tian savored his
bob2cleo: yummo
bob2cleo: Mei and her fruitsicle
bob2cleo: nursing kipenzi
bob2cleo: Mandara and her little girl play
bob2cleo: Mandara and baby
bob2cleo: kisses from Mommy
bob2cleo: piggy back ride
bob2cleo: I'm da big brudder
bob2cleo: Wicket
bob2cleo: Good morning, Mei!
bob2cleo: Whatcha got for me, Mary!?
bob2cleo: Tai's Fwootie Heaven
bob2cleo: ::singing:: I wov fwooties and fwooties wov me!
bob2cleo: whatcha smell, Tai?