bob2cleo: Xi Lan has his big boy banners
bob2cleo: standing tall
bob2cleo: Mommy Monster is the best enrichment
bob2cleo: climby boy
bob2cleo: Xi Lan's spa
bob2cleo: coolin' his jets
bob2cleo: settling in
bob2cleo: 3...2...1... sleep
bob2cleo: Yang got a big bamboo enrichment toy today
bob2cleo: precious widdle man
bob2cleo: sweet panda dreams
bob2cleo: nap time for Miss Lani
bob2cleo: for my fave Unkie... no more meh!
bob2cleo: Mommy Monster and Me
bob2cleo: ::squeal:: how cute is that baby panna shape!?
bob2cleo: slurp
bob2cleo: defend from da Mommy Monster!
bob2cleo: what's up Lani?
bob2cleo: It's all about balance, X-man!