bob2cleo: gotta wash dose ears, AJ.
bob2cleo: Isn't he just da best, auntie b2c?
bob2cleo: Nursing! awwwww...
bob2cleo: *baby burp*
bob2cleo: watchin' da hoomans
bob2cleo: I fink I can..
bob2cleo: hooooboy. here we go again!
bob2cleo: da victor! da mommie monster gave up!
bob2cleo: trying the straight up aproach
bob2cleo: sleepyville here he comes
bob2cleo: G.Qute!
bob2cleo: hewwoooo to all my fans
bob2cleo: you gots to come see me, Auntie Nessie
bob2cleo: THAT is a face!
bob2cleo: precious
bob2cleo: Me and my Mommie Monster
bob2cleo: focus on eating, baby
bob2cleo: awww...jus wet me twy, MM.
bob2cleo: da X-man meets the braided firehose fing
bob2cleo: busy intersection
bob2cleo: a battle of wills
bob2cleo: keepin an eye on da mommie monster
bob2cleo: bootiful mommie
bob2cleo: sugar cane! for me!?
bob2cleo: Jodi checks Taz's mouth
bob2cleo: what dis?
bob2cleo: I can climb into da hammock all by myself
bob2cleo: Xi Lan shows off his log moves
bob2cleo: too. much. cuteness!
bob2cleo: Playbout!