bob2cleo: you sleepin' Mommie?
bob2cleo: sshhh! Mommie's resting, Honey.
bob2cleo: Should I gwab her fwuffy cheek!?
bob2cleo: lol...surprise!
bob2cleo: kisses for my baby
bob2cleo: Comfy yet, Mommie?
bob2cleo: zzzzz....
bob2cleo: Lani said da dwinker fing is a fun toy
bob2cleo: Do I wook wike Daddy Bear here?
bob2cleo: X-man found something really interesting on the ground there...we never figured out what it was
bob2cleo: climbing on the logs
bob2cleo: here comes trouble!
bob2cleo: I wov my Mommie Monster!
bob2cleo: Shandy