bob2cleo: hewwwooo everbuddy...miss me?
bob2cleo: sweet moment between Lun and her son
bob2cleo: running out of words to describe the boy
bob2cleo: just precious
bob2cleo: interesting smells
bob2cleo: sizing up the options
bob2cleo: heading out
bob2cleo: entering the boo forest
bob2cleo: I fink dat's my mommie
bob2cleo: sizing it up
bob2cleo: trying anything and everything
bob2cleo: a little blurry...but OMGosh, what a cutie!
bob2cleo: Mr. Bright Eyes
bob2cleo: I'm coming to see you!
bob2cleo: we've got a wannabe climber on our hands
bob2cleo: widdle belly
bob2cleo: The boy is all his precious glory
bob2cleo: peek-a-boo
bob2cleo: Yang's somersault goodbye
bob2cleo: no more boo!?
bob2cleo: Lun hears the keepers
bob2cleo: Mei Lan
bob2cleo: Yang sneaks a snack in the corner
bob2cleo: I know you're in dere keepernanny!
bob2cleo: Lun girl
bob2cleo: a different angle on Yang
bob2cleo: how's the boo, Lani?
bob2cleo: Ma and Pa Lun-Yang
bob2cleo: Lani girl