bob2cleo: Introducing Xi Lan!
bob2cleo: Xi Lan takes a stroll...
bob2cleo: Xi Lan along the back wall
bob2cleo: dis boo is gwate!
bob2cleo: same position, different week.
bob2cleo: hewoooo! It's Satuwday!
bob2cleo: Lanibear
bob2cleo: You'll always be our baby, dear Lani
bob2cleo: she can cross the deck in two steps now
bob2cleo: me and my arrow boo
bob2cleo: Mei Lan was an eating machine today. All morning long!
bob2cleo: Lun and her boy
bob2cleo: Yang
bob2cleo: You here to see my boy!?
bob2cleo: sweetheart bear
bob2cleo: cutest nose and fluffy cheek on da planet
bob2cleo: Yummy
bob2cleo: finally...she's full!
bob2cleo: sleepy daddy bear
bob2cleo: Lani's thrilled da hammock is back!
bob2cleo: widdle tush, widdle tail, widdle weggies, and Yang ears!
bob2cleo: someday dose biscuits will be really cool, AJ
bob2cleo: Precious widdle man on his way!
bob2cleo: through the boo forest, the intrepid explorer goes
bob2cleo: The Prince sleeps