bob2cleo: hiya handsome
bob2cleo: peek-a-boo
bob2cleo: silly girl
bob2cleo: bright eyes
bob2cleo: Yang's loving the cooler weather... a happy panda
bob2cleo: Yang on the deck
bob2cleo: I fink dat girlie's been climbing here
bob2cleo: in her boo
bob2cleo: I see you!
bob2cleo: for Auntie 7
bob2cleo: climbing up for nap time
bob2cleo: sleepy girl
bob2cleo: Lynn's here...time to clean my room
bob2cleo: I'm hewe, Lynn!
bob2cleo: I love my boo
bob2cleo: the girl emerges from da boo
bob2cleo: see my pseudothumb?
bob2cleo: buddha belly girl
bob2cleo: Lansters
bob2cleo: Hewwoo Unkie S...
bob2cleo: sweet Yang