bob2cleo: This one reminded me of Tai with how he has his knee up
bob2cleo: lovely signage at Chengdu
bob2cleo: playing lazily with boo
bob2cleo: lol... we don't know what this silly one was doing
bob2cleo: panna in the tree
bob2cleo: life is good in Chengdu
bob2cleo: on the way to da babies
bob2cleo: Man working at Chengdu
bob2cleo: watch out Mr. Peacock...pannas like to play (ask Lun)
bob2cleo: sleeping in the moat
bob2cleo: photo op cutie... lookie at all dose shoots!
bob2cleo: precious bear
bob2cleo: me and a Chengdu cutie
bob2cleo: dat shoot was dis big
bob2cleo: babies on the bridge - really nice exhibits here
bob2cleo: Yalin - Yaya's baby in the nursery
bob2cleo: how sad that they have to have this sign, eh?
bob2cleo: Fun on da slide - wheeeee!
bob2cleo: the 2 yr olds - having fun
bob2cleo: cute tree sleeper
bob2cleo: nursery workers in Chengdu
bob2cleo: the famous statue
bob2cleo: entrance gate to Chengdu
bob2cleo: rounding up the reds - panna bread time!
bob2cleo: yummies
bob2cleo: beautiful reds all in row
bob2cleo: such a gorgeous sight...all these reds
bob2cleo: red panna splat
bob2cleo: hangin' around
bob2cleo: here comes the Chengdu panna bus