bob2cleo: suiting up
bob2cleo: Xi Dou and me
bob2cleo: our group and Xi Dou
bob2cleo: ok...I'll play wif you
bob2cleo: don't leave me, Auntie b2c!
bob2cleo: meet my two new best fwiends
bob2cleo: is dat English!? Hua Mei hears us call to her
bob2cleo: Sheng sends raspberries to his US
bob2cleo: Mei Sheng
bob2cleo: she really came to see me....
bob2cleo: Heewoooo...Sheng is doing well
bob2cleo: Hua Mei resting
bob2cleo: my uniform and I.D. badge
bob2cleo: BiFeng Xia panda cam in the keepers' office
bob2cleo: one of Hua Mei's 2007 cubbies
bob2cleo: Mei Sheng in his tree perch
bob2cleo: King of the trees...our dear Mei Sheng
bob2cleo: panna baffs!
bob2cleo: boo shoot detour from baff
bob2cleo: giving baffs and love therapy
bob2cleo: too much fun
bob2cleo: dreams come true
bob2cleo: boo shoots and love
bob2cleo: you dat auntie Lani emailed was comin'!?
bob2cleo: we've reached our destination!
bob2cleo: hewooo cutie
bob2cleo: Pie's BiFeng Xia counterpart
bob2cleo: weighing the baby
bob2cleo: oh, Ni Hao! (hewwooo in Chinese!)
bob2cleo: the 2 yr olds in panda kindergarten