bob2cleo: top layer of Lani's cake
bob2cleo: see my cake!?
bob2cleo: pressies, too!
bob2cleo: my own cake!
bob2cleo: lol...silly girl
bob2cleo: layers 3 and 4 of Lani's cake
bob2cleo: Lani's 2 birthday banner
bob2cleo: Izzy
bob2cleo: Happy birthday girl
bob2cleo: fun with cake - panda style
bob2cleo: for me!?
bob2cleo: cake, presents and Lani
bob2cleo: Angel baby
bob2cleo: all mine dis year!
bob2cleo: woohoo! sweet potatoes!
bob2cleo: More Lani and cake!
bob2cleo: Lani and her bearfday treat bag
bob2cleo: Lani enjoys her birthday cake
bob2cleo: Lani's layers of fun cake
bob2cleo: birthday goodies for Lani's hooman admirers
bob2cleo: peek a boo cake
bob2cleo: bearfday heaven