bob2cleo: Sweet Lun
bob2cleo: Lani, what a big head you have!
bob2cleo: Just LOL at the girl
bob2cleo: Love the widdle pink tongue
bob2cleo: little leaf eater
bob2cleo: Yang is still an eating machine
bob2cleo: tree eating
bob2cleo: sleepy girl
bob2cleo: relaxing girl
bob2cleo: Momma Lun
bob2cleo: Lun resting outside
bob2cleo: Such a lovely face, Lani girl.
bob2cleo: Hewwoooo Lynn! Yummies!
bob2cleo: Have I mentioned how much I love this guy?
bob2cleo: Handsome Yang
bob2cleo: coming to say hewwooo
bob2cleo: awwwww... what a widdle snuggle bear