bob2cleo: That's our Yang
bob2cleo: stretch and yawn
bob2cleo: Lun's enjoying her new life of leisure
bob2cleo: Lun has a massage appt and he's running late!?
bob2cleo: guess who?
bob2cleo: dismounts aren't as easy without the hammock!
bob2cleo: da big goof
bob2cleo: breakin' da boo like Mommie Monster showed her
bob2cleo: big Daddy's still sleeping in the middle
bob2cleo: Beautiful Lun enjoys the sun and quiet
bob2cleo: awww
bob2cleo: anudder widdle stretch...
bob2cleo: and we have ignition
bob2cleo: Yang and his mark of zorro cowlick
bob2cleo: where's da biscuits?
bob2cleo: our big girl's sitting up eatin' her boo
bob2cleo: Liking dis boo better
bob2cleo: lani bear
bob2cleo: in da boo
bob2cleo: hewwooo sweetheart
bob2cleo: hewoooo everyone!
bob2cleo: fresh boo and room for our big girl
bob2cleo: don like dose arrow leaves... yuck!
bob2cleo: dis is arrow boo
bob2cleo: breakin' da boo like Mommie Monster showed her
bob2cleo: smells good