bob2cleo: picking the best boo like Mommie showed her
bob2cleo: My Lun girl
bob2cleo: Lani's rewarded with an appow
bob2cleo: Lani finds the fresh boo
bob2cleo: heeewwwoooo Kate!
bob2cleo: goofy kid
bob2cleo: did you get da picture, auntie b2c?
bob2cleo: biscuits and appows to go, please!
bob2cleo: big boo girl
bob2cleo: waiting on Kate for fresh delivery
bob2cleo: more nursing... Lani hit 80 lbs today!
bob2cleo: milk hangover
bob2cleo: Lun tries to remove the tick from her belly
bob2cleo: high five on a long nursing session