bob2cleo: Lani blowing kisses
bob2cleo: a tad blurry, but... look into dose eyes
bob2cleo: hewoooo fwiends
bob2cleo: well hewwoooo Lun Lun
bob2cleo: Lun's paw
bob2cleo: Lun is r-e-l-a-x-e-d
bob2cleo: Lani laid-back eating style
bob2cleo: contemplating life
bob2cleo: Yay! She woke up
bob2cleo: Yang says hi
bob2cleo: Taking advantage of a sleeping Mommie
bob2cleo: still lovin' the barrel
bob2cleo: oopsie... head first
bob2cleo: everything's a chew toy for Lani
bob2cleo: there goes Miss Graceful
bob2cleo: Beautiful young lady
bob2cleo: Lani's got a full belly of milk
bob2cleo: yummy milkie in my tummy