bob2cleo: what Lani thought of JT waking her up to shift
bob2cleo: *squeal* love when she bites her paw like Daddy does!
bob2cleo: remember when she needed the hay step? *sigh*
bob2cleo: on da move
bob2cleo: more spider girl
bob2cleo: headed up
bob2cleo: You talkin' to me??
bob2cleo: Yang at the door
bob2cleo: can't you just hear her humming to herself??
bob2cleo: Too cute for words...
bob2cleo: goofball jr.
bob2cleo: oh kay I'll shift
bob2cleo: Lun hides from the baby monster
bob2cleo: in da boo
bob2cleo: here comes Lani
bob2cleo: happy Lun in the sunshine
bob2cleo: eatin' boo leaves
bob2cleo: don't tell JT I'm awake...
bob2cleo: daddy was bangin' on the door
bob2cleo: Yang on his structure
bob2cleo: line up to *kiss* dat belly