bob2cleo: somersaulting for the nightcrawler kids
bob2cleo: our girl's getting bigger and bigger 60 lbs!
bob2cleo: on lookout duty
bob2cleo: Lun's starting to slim down
bob2cleo: just cute
bob2cleo: hewooo dere
bob2cleo: climby girl's gotten bigger
bob2cleo: casual pose
bob2cleo: an I had wots of friends come for my birfday
bob2cleo: ugh...all dat rain yesterday
bob2cleo: Yang hiding out from his fans
bob2cleo: what's kate got for mommy
bob2cleo: whatcha doing Lani?
bob2cleo: the girls
bob2cleo: Monkey see Monkey do part 2
bob2cleo: lazy Sunday
bob2cleo: It's not easy raising the goofiest baby panda ever!
bob2cleo: I can eat a boo piece dis big
bob2cleo: hi everybody...
bob2cleo: Her widdle wegs are very Lun-ishly posed
bob2cleo: got more biscuits, kate?
bob2cleo: goofy face
bob2cleo: get the itch
bob2cleo: flexible girl
bob2cleo: conversation
bob2cleo: coming out of the pool (drained)
bob2cleo: being this cute is exhausting!
bob2cleo: back on the deck
bob2cleo: your good side Lansters!
bob2cleo: put your paws up