bob2cleo: sleepy guy
bob2cleo: scary girl
bob2cleo: pretty Lun
bob2cleo: play time
bob2cleo: pink tongue!
bob2cleo: oh, hewwooo dere!
bob2cleo: No Mommy... my spot
bob2cleo: long end of Yang
bob2cleo: Lani's old fwiend, the coconut rope, makes an appearance
bob2cleo: Lani take down... Lun's strategy of containment
bob2cleo: Lani learns the art of sniffing out the good boo
bob2cleo: Happy Birthday banner over Lani's dayroom
bob2cleo: Handsome Yang
bob2cleo: get the chain!
bob2cleo: cutie pie
bob2cleo: black, white, and green
bob2cleo: baby boo eater
bob2cleo: the mommy monster has Lani on the run
bob2cleo: sweet Lani
bob2cleo: open wide!
bob2cleo: I wov you Mommy
bob2cleo: The girls
bob2cleo: Lani in boo forest
bob2cleo: splayed out
bob2cleo: remind you of daddy and his play techniques?
bob2cleo: possible escape route?
bob2cleo: playin with the hose
bob2cleo: Pinned!
bob2cleo: Lani's coconut seat
bob2cleo: falling in!