bob2cleo: take that weeble
bob2cleo: what dis doin here
bob2cleo: play time
bob2cleo: oh! please be careful, widdle girl!
bob2cleo: Mei Lan at 6 months old
bob2cleo: hang on girl
bob2cleo: NO mommy!
bob2cleo: standing tall for a widdle girl
bob2cleo: tiptoeing up the support beam
bob2cleo: Lun channeling her mate, Yang
bob2cleo: hello there
bob2cleo: ssshhh don't tell Mommy I'm cwimbing
bob2cleo: Lun smacks down the listerine-splashed weeble
bob2cleo: rut roh... I'm going to need that memory card, b2c...
bob2cleo: Oh Lun please don't do that to Auntie b2c
bob2cleo: it's all good! no harm no foul on the fall
bob2cleo: heartbreaker
bob2cleo: gymnast like Mommy
bob2cleo: grab and go
bob2cleo: cuddle before the fall..
bob2cleo: The Shed
bob2cleo: inside the shed
bob2cleo: Here's the shed you guys made possible
bob2cleo: Yang was hangin round today too
bob2cleo: new chew toy
bob2cleo: Lani has taught Lun the strategy of containment