bob2cleo: Lani imitating a rock
bob2cleo: beautiful Lun in the sunshine
bob2cleo: preparing the room
bob2cleo: looks good! bring on the boy
bob2cleo: Here comes Yang
bob2cleo: I'm just gonna eat my boo
bob2cleo: dreamy boo eater
bob2cleo: and eat my boo
bob2cleo: those ears!
bob2cleo: Yang, don't you wanna come play...
bob2cleo: very thirsty after all that boo
bob2cleo: right after the first head butt
bob2cleo: shoulder slam
bob2cleo: pinned! Yang body slams the weeble
bob2cleo: up the tree with mr. box
bob2cleo: I've got you mr. box
bob2cleo: slam weeble against the wall
bob2cleo: I'm on to you weeble
bob2cleo: time out - regroup
bob2cleo: goofball!
bob2cleo: uh.. Yang? what are you doing?
bob2cleo: who's bad?
bob2cleo: scent-annointing frenzy with tabasco
bob2cleo: new plan - somersault into the weeble
bob2cleo: judge gives this somersault a 10
bob2cleo: mid-somersault
bob2cleo: *kiss* auntie b2c
bob2cleo: hey J.T.! did you see me take down the weeble?
bob2cleo: rest break
bob2cleo: J.T. cleaning up after a long hard day