bob2cleo: Fall morning at Grant Park across from ZooAtlanta
bob2cleo: Entrance to Zoo Atlanta
bob2cleo: I went behind the authorized personnel only fence!
bob2cleo: Panda Trail behind the Panda House
bob2cleo: I'm in the deck yard
bob2cleo: whatcha got for me today
bob2cleo: profile in panda
bob2cleo: Meet Yang Yang up close
bob2cleo: Look at that face!
bob2cleo: nose rub - Yang's nose is irresistible!
bob2cleo: Open mouth behavior - see teeth
bob2cleo: right on target...Yang puts his nose on the target (Jay's hand)
bob2cleo: Yang Yang and me
bob2cleo: The guys of Panda Pavillion - Zoo Atlanta
bob2cleo: Hi friends
bob2cleo: hey b2c watch this!
bob2cleo: Can anyone say flirt
bob2cleo: Jay and Yang
bob2cleo: Through the little space in the door with no wire mesh
bob2cleo: oops got a little too excited seeing the boy
bob2cleo: cute bear = such a show-off
bob2cleo: Yang Yang from the research tower
bob2cleo: Yang Yang doodling
bob2cleo: pouting that Auntie b2c's visit ended
bob2cleo: I hear a keeper rustlin bamboo
bob2cleo: incoming bamboo
bob2cleo: happy boy with fresh bamboo
bob2cleo: beautiful mamma Lun Lun
bob2cleo: Guess who made an appearance
bob2cleo: got to keep my strength up