peterthebus: M100 FLY Scania Irizar 32 seat VIP Ex Coachstop.
peterthebus: Newly Delivered Scania Irizar M19 KFC at Victoria on Commuter Service
peterthebus: Nice shot of P983 LKL Scania Irizar with a Berkhof behind.
peterthebus: R871 SDT Scania Irizar one of a pair bought from Ireland
peterthebus: one of the tri-axle Scania Irizars in build at the factory in Spain
peterthebus: A line up in 1999 at the start of the VIP fleet.
peterthebus: One of the tri-axle Scania Berkhofs 1987
peterthebus: The company name looks right in this shot
peterthebus: Four VIPs Parked in the inner Quadrangle at Buckingham Palace
peterthebus: A clear road down The Mall
peterthebus: You need to be careful parking behind the Queen's car
peterthebus: Some clients expect
peterthebus: Scania Irizar PB YN 54 AKF
peterthebus: VIP on Royal duties
peterthebus: Scania Irizar PBs
peterthebus: P983 LKL Scania Irizar.
peterthebus: T905 LKE Scania Irizar.
peterthebus: P984 LKL Scania Irizar.
peterthebus: R994 AKM Scania Irizar.
peterthebus: W553 YKN Scania Irizar 49 seater liveried for Ledger contract
peterthebus: S559 EKN 1999 Scania tri axle Irizar VIP 34 seat.
peterthebus: M18 KFC Scania Berkhof on commuter duty in Victoria.
peterthebus: M18 KFC scania tri axle Irizar new at the Brighton Rally.
peterthebus: M2 KFC awaiting the finishing paint job
peterthebus: M2 KFC The Kings Ferry's first Irizar Scania just out the paintshop
peterthebus: W533 YKN Scania Irizar
peterthebus: VIP wrap
peterthebus: VIP wrap
peterthebus: VIP wrap
peterthebus: VIP wrap