TheFairView: Forget fancy buckets, you can use a milk jug!
TheFairView: and put the container on wrong so all the sap ran down the tree and made a little pool (but we fixed it)
TheFairView: We came home and tapped our own tree
TheFairView: The fences
TheFairView: A tapped tree.
TheFairView: A full bucket of sap
TheFairView: Check out those drops of sap coming down!!
TheFairView: IMG_5146
TheFairView: #34 Rust
TheFairView: Checking the sap buckets
TheFairView: Pancakes on the old stove in the farmhouse with their fresh maple syrup
TheFairView: Crazy wallpaper inside the farmhouse
TheFairView: Clark made friends with a barn cat