TheFairView: IMG_6811
TheFairView: Returning to mama
TheFairView: Mother and Chick
TheFairView: her new location
TheFairView: IMG_6907
TheFairView: IMG_6909
TheFairView: The big opening
TheFairView: Coming home from the post office with our special delivery
TheFairView: EEEEE! Box o' Chicks!!
TheFairView: chicks chicks
TheFairView: Do you like my hat?
TheFairView: top hat chick
TheFairView: Buff Orpington & Silver Sebright Bantam (I think)-look at the size difference!
TheFairView: Holding a big one
TheFairView: Moving freely under the light
TheFairView: Kisses on your tiny head
TheFairView: Top Hat
TheFairView: Not at all sure which kind this is
TheFairView: Maybe the mille fleur bantam?
TheFairView: Tabby & Alice & chick
TheFairView: Hughie & Chick
TheFairView: Clark comes home from school to a wonderful surprise
TheFairView: IMG_6959
TheFairView: IMG_6962
TheFairView: Eating out of our hands
TheFairView: Two at a time
TheFairView: Quintessential Baby Chick
TheFairView: Eating from Clark's hand already
TheFairView: A taste of the outdoors for a lucky couple
TheFairView: A taste of the outdoors for a lucky couple