TheFairView: Making birthday cards-a glitter bonanza!
TheFairView: Drawing on paper before the meal
TheFairView: Paul's pear
TheFairView: Surprise! A little dessert with candle!
TheFairView: IMG_4933
TheFairView: Daffodils blooming
TheFairView: Skipping across the water
TheFairView: This upside down head totally freaked me out.
TheFairView: Dirt Stencil Carpet
TheFairView: Play the notes-light the lights-grow the plants
TheFairView: Reflection
TheFairView: Family Portrait 2012-we took this same picture last year!
TheFairView: Titled: Sumo. I saw a flying pig, Paul saw a squatting man, mom saw something else. We all loved it.
TheFairView: Screamers
TheFairView: Clark's Scream
TheFairView: oh nooooooo!
TheFairView: This Lion is biting me!!
TheFairView: Proud as a...
TheFairView: Preening
TheFairView: IMG_4990
TheFairView: IMG_4996
TheFairView: Snowdrops
TheFairView: Pose Mimicry
TheFairView: Profile Reflection
TheFairView: Find the Imposter 1
TheFairView: Find the imposter 2
TheFairView: Reflection
TheFairView: How are these blooming now??
TheFairView: Ahhh! My hand!
TheFairView: Friendly Smile