Stephanie Roberts: Leap and the net will appear
Stephanie Roberts: And they were neither up nor down; The stream's music did not stop Flowing through heather, limpid brown ~Meeting Point, Louis MacNeice
Stephanie Roberts: Bravery, grace, patience
Stephanie Roberts: Closes and opens
Stephanie Roberts: Found light
Stephanie Roberts: Poise and grace
Stephanie Roberts: Miracles start to happen when you give as much energy to your dreams as you do your fears. ~author unknown
Stephanie Roberts: It's okay to cry
Stephanie Roberts: Warming herself
Stephanie Roberts: Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over...
Stephanie Roberts: Start again, I hear them say
Stephanie Roberts: The shifting weights of beautiful things
Stephanie Roberts: Broken open
Stephanie Roberts: So much to look forward to
Stephanie Roberts: "And when the lows are so low you feel your soul is about to drown, it helps a little to know that you're in the innermost cave again, and this is where you do the hard battle." -David DuChemin, A Beautiful Anarchy
Stephanie Roberts: Finding a little peace in the grocery store.
Stephanie Roberts: Grace obscured
Stephanie Roberts: Oh, lift me from the grass
Stephanie Roberts: Grateful for the unexpected beauty all around me.
Stephanie Roberts: We make a dwelling in the evening air
Stephanie Roberts: The artist must possess the courageous soul...the brave soul. The soul that dares and defies. ~Kate Chopin, The Awakening
Stephanie Roberts: All your graces someday will flower
Stephanie Roberts: Burning bright
Stephanie Roberts: What you did that day
Stephanie Roberts: Sing me to sleep
Stephanie Roberts: Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths, Enwrought with golden and silver light...
Stephanie Roberts: What's become of her
Stephanie Roberts: Fortune teller