Stephanie Roberts: Elsewhere entirely
Stephanie Roberts: You don't have to say anything
Stephanie Roberts: I brought you a little something.
Stephanie Roberts: Somewhere near and very far away.
Stephanie Roberts: Tangerine Hill
Stephanie Roberts: Farm living
Stephanie Roberts: Nonchalance
Stephanie Roberts: Tomorrow is fresh, with no mistakes in it. ~L.M. Montgomery
Stephanie Roberts: The tinge of Florida fall in the lovely morning light, as Lucas sees it.
Stephanie Roberts: ...dark and bright...
Stephanie Roberts: Out behind the produce stand
Stephanie Roberts: No hunting or fishing. (Trespassing okay?)
Stephanie Roberts: The heron at rest
Stephanie Roberts: Seeing the forest
Stephanie Roberts: Unexpected winter
Stephanie Roberts: Despite interference
Stephanie Roberts: Strong wind
Stephanie Roberts: A lovely morning with Buckhorst and Ina.
Stephanie Roberts: A bright path
Stephanie Roberts: Life on Livingston
Stephanie Roberts: Evening of music
Stephanie Roberts: Tomorrow is a new day. Begin it well and serenely. ~Emerson
Stephanie Roberts: Oh, for a lazy day...
Stephanie Roberts: Finding my peace
Stephanie Roberts: You got no troubles, girl.
Stephanie Roberts: Goodnight, goodnight...........goodnight