tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Nope, never mind. (Fonepix)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Is that a customer approaching? (Fonepix)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Winner - Best Child Handler
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Winner - Best Veteran 8 years +, and it seems....
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): The Mythological 2 bodied Dog
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Stop texting or I'll elope with the Great Dane...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): No! not while I'm being photographed..
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Martha likes a threesome...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Whose got the best hairstyle?
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): "Catch me if you can" with bodyguards patiently wait...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): This one or that one?... wait for Entry Forms.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Scruffs line up for registration with their dogs..
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Oscar asking- "Are you ready?" (2)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Oscar & Bertie strategy planning (1)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): The Border Collie takes the water.....
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Another sweet little Border Collie
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Bertie's 'disappointed' look.