tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Focus on Dragonfly (Trithemis aurora)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Focus on Flower (Periwinkle)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Tropical Carpenter Bee (Xylocopa latipes)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Tropical Carpenter Bee. Xylocopa latipes
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): 'Moses in a basket' hiding behind the water barrels
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Touch-me-not (after touching)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Touch-me-not (before touching)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Leaves of the Jackfruit tree
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club): Hong holding a nice pair (of Papaya)