tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Shoreham Flyover opening. 1970
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
MV. Caapemaa (circa 1958/9)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Bridge of the Sir William Walker (circa 1957/8)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Bridge of Sir William Walker (circa 1957/8)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
St Nicolas Church and garden.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Chocolate box cottages
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Table tops with giant cup holders perhaps?
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Old marker..
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
From the West bank..
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
No access for cars.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
The mid river mud bank at low tide.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
St Nicolas church across the river.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
View of the toll bridge from up river.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Down the estuary from the bridge ramp.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Island in the sun.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
The rail bridge down river as .....
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Erm.. excuse me have you left something?
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Scary encounter!
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Footpath downriver on the East side.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Photo bombing... how rude!
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Lancing College and Chapel
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
The bridge from the mud flats.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Some hull planking survives.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Remains of an old barge.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Infinity and beyond...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
The colours of Benetton...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
A bit of TLC needed...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Not exactly a flower but.....
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Lighthouse with the Lifeboat Station nearby.