tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
MV Balmoral leaving dock after restoration. (Screenshot)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
MV Balmoral in dry dock. (Screenshot)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
PS Waverley on the Clyde. (Screenshot)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
PS Waverley on the Clyde. (Screenshot)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Balmoral under the Clifton Suspension Bridge (1950s). (Screenshot)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Paddle Steamer heading for breakers yard. (Screenshot)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Estuary and Harbour Mouth
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Mary Winifred
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Mary Winifred
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Three Brothers (Li.247)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Mary Winifred at the slipway
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Bambi on board
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Cabin Cruiser
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Weed Wake
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Arun Yacht Club
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Nice day for it...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
'Mary Winifred' berthing
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
MV. Caapemaa (circa 1958/9)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Bridge of the Sir William Walker (circa 1957/8)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Bridge of Sir William Walker (circa 1957/8)
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Some hull planking survives.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Remains of an old barge.
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
A bit of TLC needed...
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Not exactly a flower but.....
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Healthy catch of what I'm not sure....
tiger289 (The d'Arcy dog supporters club):
Secure alongside while the lock fills.