heytampa: A bird makes a home on the side of a cliff.
heytampa: Another view from the road up to the cell house.
heytampa: The check-in area for inmates.
heytampa: Shower area of Alcatraz.
heytampa: The cell house
heytampa: One of the many cells.
heytampa: Another view of the cold hard cells.
heytampa: Another view of a cell.
heytampa: And another.
heytampa: David gets locked up.
heytampa: Some of the famous inmates of Alcatraz.
heytampa: Another shot of the inmates.
heytampa: Isolation in Alcatraz.
heytampa: The prison library
heytampa: The windows look out to San Francisco
heytampa: The prison riot hallway
heytampa: The grenade blasts that ended the riot.
heytampa: Another cell with some personal effects.
heytampa: One of the windows that looked out to San Francisco
heytampa: The visitation area.
heytampa: The rules for visiting inmates at Alcatraz.
heytampa: A guard uniform
heytampa: The many wardens of Alcatraz
heytampa: The view of San Francisco from Alcatraz.
heytampa: The old warden's house, now just a shell.
heytampa: The main administration building.
heytampa: The main corridor in the cell house.
heytampa: Something seems a little odd!
heytampa: Are you awake?
heytampa: Time to make a run for it!