3/365 For the last few years I've made a cake for a gentleman in a nursing home. His interest was tricycles. I saw a wire tricycle on etsy and thought it would be perfect to put on top of the cake, but then forgot all about it. So last night I fashioned t
9/365 Bi-annual dentis appt with scale and polish. I won't inflict the full colour, up the nose shot that this started out as on you!😂🙈
11/365 I hate it when a client asks for a sketch, I am such a rubbish drawer. The request was Scottish wonder woman and I suggested a kilted theme tier and the top with ww logo and tiara but she could picture it. Not sure how much I helped!
20/365 Wee jaunt to visit The Kelpies with the mother-in-law visiting. Much less snow up here than we have nearer Glasgow. A very fresh day!
25/365 Sugar pearls. I have 2 wedding fairs coming up and I have so much to do, it's not funny. Started this one dummy cake which is nothing like I started with in my head...then came up with the stupid idea of putting the dagrees on the trim, it's taking
29/365 Met some pals for lunch. We went to a place in Glasgow called Cup that becomes a gin bar after 5pm. It is housed in a beautiful building that is listed outside and in. Inside it is covered in all these amazing tiles, it really is pretty.