pfjc&pfjc2: China Trip 200209 Main Stops
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000637ac Shanghaï Longhua Buddhist Temple
pfjc&pfjc2: DSCN0007ac Weighing Three Tons The Fabulous Jade Sitting Buddha
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000769ac The Burmese Recumbent Jade Buddha
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000657ac The Flowered Paintbrush Dream
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000642bc Huangshan Shixin Peak
pfjc&pfjc2: DSCN0003bc Fairytale Chinese Vision at Perched Yu Ping Lou Hotel
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000643bc Huangshan Beginning of Believe Peak
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000666bc World Famous Welcoming Guest Pine and Celestial Capital Peak
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000667ac Chengde Putuozongsheng Temple or Little Potala
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000671ac Yangyou Pagoda Universal Joye Temple and Sledgehammer Rock
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000668ac Chengde Xumifushou Temple
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000675ac Chengde Imperial Pagoda
pfjc&pfjc2: IM000677ac Chengde Puning Temple
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19214ac Macau Portuguese Basilica Ruin
pfjc&pfjc2: TaiwanTrip Little Show of Taiwan Wonders
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19213ac Taipei Grand Hotel
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19206ac Very Traditional Vision of China
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19220ac Eternal Spring Shrine 1960
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT192111ac Strange Rocks Erosion Building Bells
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19216ac The Heart
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19217ac Queen Nefertiti or Cleopatra???
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19218ac Coastal Guards on Survey
pfjc&pfjc2: 199311Japon One Week Japan Visit
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19192cc Mighty Nikko Bridge a Japanese Stamp
pfjc&pfjc2: PICT19198ac Jacques at NikkoToshougu Shrine KorouTower
pfjc&pfjc2: 1976to2016JPEmeraldAnniversary40 Years
pfjc&pfjc2: Japan Visit World Tour 199311
pfjc&pfjc2: Japan Nikko Religious Art
pfjc&pfjc2: ChinaWulingyuangZhangjiajieUnbelievableNeedle