Muzik Hounds: Practice time
Muzik Hounds: Nick and Lars practicing
Muzik Hounds: Mom with Mary
Muzik Hounds: NancyRuthmomandShirley
Muzik Hounds: MaryJohndadShirleyandNancy
Muzik Hounds: Ruth and John
Muzik Hounds: Mary
Muzik Hounds: me about 1990
Muzik Hounds: me 89
Muzik Hounds: boone county Nancy
Muzik Hounds: self portrait
Muzik Hounds: Lars in Arizona
Muzik Hounds: Attack of the giant ant
Muzik Hounds: DSCN0186
Muzik Hounds: DSCN0182
Muzik Hounds: DSCN0183
Muzik Hounds: Shirleys baptism day
Muzik Hounds: Aunts house. Me in the front.
Muzik Hounds: 1st grade Willisville Il about 1930
Muzik Hounds: Nick at river
Muzik Hounds: at the river